2009 also brought one of the snowiest Christmases on record. We were not hopeful about even making it back to SD, but when we woke up Christmas Eve and saw the weather was okay, we decided to try to head back. It actually ended up being just fine, the perfect break in the storm after receiving 6 inches the night before. Though not stormy, it was definitley still a white Christmas. I took a couple pictures on the trip (they're a little blurry since I just took them from the car).
Unfortunately I forgot my camera in the car.
We knew that we would be snowed in at Papa & Nana's on Christmas Day, so instead of opening gifts on the Eve like usual, we decided to wait an do it on Christmas. Here is Papa reading "The Night Before Christmas" to the grandchildren before bed.
what could be better than baby snuggles on Christmas Eve?!