Thursday, August 6, 2009

Estes Park: The main event!

Saturday afternoon was Matt F. & Jennifer's wedding. It ended up being a little rainy before hand, but the throughout the ceremony the weather was great. Everything was beautfiul...especially the bride!
Here's a group shot prior to the ceremony:

The girls prior to and during the ceremony...crackers, crackers, crackers...anything to contain the yelling!
Sleeping beauty, Finley that is. Too bad Ella would never do this unless she was completely exhausted!
Matt's cousin Denielle, the Matron of Honor.

Here comes the bride!
Matt waiting for his bride. The wedding party looked great, and the background was phenomenal! It's easy to decorate when you get married in the Rockies!

Post ceremony. Why not a short game of tether ball?!
Nathan & Ava.

Mr. & Mrs. Ferrell

Matt & I at the reception.

Grandpa Joe & Grandma Jan (a.k.a. achoo). This photo was actually taken by Nathan.

The Larsons': Jonathan, Kristen, Elisabeth, Joel, and DeeDee.

The Hoffmans: Jeremy, Ethan, Olive, & Hazel. Kori was of course busy taking amazing pictures.

The Arndts: Jenn, Brent, & Finley.

Perry & Karen Arndt:

Ericka & Ava Koch. Too bad Karl & baby Naomi couldn't make it.

The Larsons: Dennis & Karen
Scott, Linda, Benjamin, & Daniel Chisolm.

Dancy-Dance time! Matt & Ella for the father-daughter dance.

Nathan dancing with cousin Julia. I don't think she had much say in the manner, though she didn't seem to mind. Nathan was very into holding hands whenever dancing, which was not so appreciated by other dance partners!

It was a great weekend, and an awesome time with family! Thank you Grandma & Grandpa C. for making it possible for us to come!

1 comment:

Dave & Erika Sterken said...

Wow, we should have had them plan our CO wedding. What a location!

I checked your blog half expecting to see baby pics. I feel like it's been a while since I found out you were prego, and I know time goes much faster for non-pregnant people. Glad I didn't miss the big event. :)

Lastly, we watched a movie called Bolt the other night. It was kind of an accidental NetFlicks rental, but we really liked it! We're much impressed by Nathan's taste, and chuckled several times thinking about which parts he might have esp liked.