Sunday, December 6, 2009

Giving Thanks at One Month

This year has been interesting. We have been challenged, oh yes, but we also have been greatly blessed. So, as we reflect and give thanks to the Blesser and Giver of all good gifts, it's impossible not to thank God for Adeline, who turned one month on Thanksgiving Day.
We're starting to build a Thanksgiving tradition of eating dinner with Matt's family in the Cities, and then trekking to SD for some late snacking, and of course Black Friday shopping:)

Here is the Thompson crew with grandma Lois: Logan, Nathan, Julia, Ella, Lois, & Adeline.
Unfortunately, the camera battery died after that pic, so there is no other documentation from Thanksgiving. But, I did manage to get some one-month photos of Adeline a little later.

She is already changing and getting so big. An unofficial weigh-in at home had her at about 10 pounds! She currently sleeps ok, waking up once during the night (about 2 ish) and then again in the early morning (about 5:45 ish). But, even after this, she usually goes back to sleep until about 8:30 or 9:00, so no complaints here. She hasn't quite mastered napping yet, or at least napping while not being held or riding in car, but she'll get's hard being #3!

The great thing about being #3, is that you get lots and lots of love! Nathan and Ella are always in her face wanting to give her kisses and talk to her. There's even been a few fights over whose turn it is to hold baby Addy!

Here's a mid-yawnn shot...just for fun:)

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