Friday, January 21, 2011


It's been bitterly cold this winter (today we had negative double digits), so I admit that we haven't spent much if any time outdoors. Usually I greatly value the children playing outside, learning and exploring, so it's been kind of a drag. But, at the same time, who wants to freeze, and though the children are well bundled, I lack proper snow equipment.
But, this past week, we've gone out twice, both times when Matt was also home. My intolerance for the cold is actually outmatched by both Ella and Addie's. They can't help that they are girly and small. Here's Addie after about 5 minutes of being outside, and about 1 minute before we went in.
Ella is pulling Matt in the sled. Ok, so she couldn't actually pull him, but she enjoyed doing this just as much as sliding down the hill.

Nathan LOVES playing outside in the snow. He would stay out all day if we let him. Here he is going downhill in our backyard. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but there is a drainage ditch behind our house, and Matt and Nathan built up a snow ramp to make an even longer hill. It's nothing crazy steep, but perfect for Nathan and Ella.

He goes all out, struggling up to the top of the ramp, and then running and jumping onto his sled. He also prefers the blue sled because it's faster.

We start by all going out together and then 1 by people start to cry. I head in with Addie first, then about 10 minutes later Ella will come in crying because she's cold, and then about 30 minutes later I hollar to Matt and Nathan that they should come inside.
Here's a picture of Matt after the first day out. All of the children had come in, but Matt had to stay out and keep "working". He and Nathan were using shovels, buckets, and our plastic pool to haul snow and build up the ramp. Hopefully it will warm up a little, 20's are nice, and we can get lots of use out of it this winter.

1 comment:

Eva said...

brrrrrr. but it sure does make for a nice change of pace to get outside =)