Sunday, July 5, 2009


Fear Not! June 15-19, Nathan got to participate in his first Vacation Bible School, held at Trinity Baptist Church in Maplewood, MN. Each day of the week they learned an important Bible point with a key verse; such as, God is with us, God gives us life, God does what he says, etc. Repeatedly throughout the day, when the Bible point was said during a session, the kids will yell back, "Fear Not". This has ended up being very useful with Nathan as he is going through a "fear" stage....dark, bugs, anything loud, the list goes on. I honestly feel that he is starting to get that God is always with us and we can always talk to Him and tell Him how we are feeling.
It was a great, but tiring, tiring, week for all of us. I helped as one of the preschool leaders, Ella spent the mornings in the nursery, and Matt got to work on his projects around the house. Nathan took 2 days to warm-up, but by the middle of the week was soaking up VBS. Despite being corrected everyday, Nathan always referred to VBS as "VBIS"; an apparent hybrid between VBS and KTIS (the local Christian radio station)!
The final day of VBS, all the kids made stuffed turtles filled with a booklet and a messgae to send to children who were victims of natural disaster and lost all their toys, etc. Except the preschool-they opted to just make turtles for themselves! Though Nathan did faithfully put his coins into the offering basket in the mornings to help fund the project!

1 comment:

Eva said...

Can't believe how big he is! Glad you made it through the week.