Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wii New Year Celebration.

For New Year's Eve, we decided to brave it and head over to the Kearns'. It was cold and snowy all day, but by dinner time it was just really cold (our car thermometer said -6). We had lots of yummy, bad-for-you goodies, but then danced it off while playing "Just Dance" on their Wii. Matt even danced to 2 songs (one by the Beastie Boys, and one by Katy Perry:)
The kids were entertained later by watching a movie. They all have a blank stare because we started the movie at 9:30. Usually they would have been in bed for an hour already!

Amy got festive for a little while.

Nathan also learned a new game...Ants in my Pants!

Addie went to bed at about 9:30 but the rest of the house, including Micah, stayed up until midnight. Our family did the countdown with our coats on, ready to leave at 12:05. This is what Ella looked like at midnight. Here eyes were open during the countdown, but not about 10 seconds later.

Here's a video of the kids dancing to a Michael Jackson song on the Wii. It's bizarre but cousin Mayah is infatuated with MJ, so she picked this song. This also highlights Addie's newest accomplishment: walking!

Thankfully everyone (including Matt & I) slept in the next day! We had a lazy morning and even made homemade doughnuts for breakfast...yummm!

1 comment:

Eva said...

wow you are brave to keep the kiddies up so late. looks like it was fun though =)