Friday, August 26, 2011


Our garden has gone from bustling now to dwindling...all that remains is beans (though I must say, we've got a lot of beans), tomatoes, and a few carrots. But, I've had a busy week of preserving the harvest.

The tomato pile on the counter was becoming too great, so I decided it was time to do some canning. I borrowed my mom's canner (which Nathan thought looked like it belonged to Ma and even asked if I took it from the Homestead), and so far have canned 7 quarts and 2 pints of tomatoes. Since, we've gone back to the garden 2x, and so more canning may be in my future. I love eating fresh garden tomatoes-but there is a limit to such things.

I did the majority of the canning during nap time-but here's Ella and Addie "helping" me in the morning.

Besides the tomatoes, I was also busy this week freezing all of our green beans and some sweet corn (about 9 dozen) from my sister and her husband.
We're looking forward to enjoying our veggies this winter!

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