Monday, January 28, 2013


Nathan, like many 6-year old boys is super into Legos right now.  For Christmas he asked for several different types of Legos...fortunately Grammy came through and got him the much-asked-for Star Wars variety.  It's clear to see why this is called an
(beyond that I have no idea what it is:)

 We wouldn't let him take out all the pieces the night he opened it, but the next morning he ripped into and worked on it for about an hour (before we had to leave for our Christmases).  Once we returned several days later, the X-Wing was not forgotten and he spent about 4 hours finishing it up.  The box said it was for ages 7-12, and he did have some initial frustrations, but I'm proud of him for doing it on his own-excepting a question here or there (to which I was little or no help).  It's definitely the most complicated things he's made, and so far he has not wanted to take it apart, unlike his smaller sets which he will assemble and dissemble over again. 
The Type A side of me has to separate from it or I will stress about Legos going missing...after all I think there are about 800 Legos on that thing!
Way to go Nathan!

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