Monday, March 25, 2013


Though things are still kind of rough around here (well, at least for me, the kids seem to be doing well), life continues to go on, and here we are at the start of Holy Week. 
Holy Week and Advent are my two favorite opportunities each year to really focus our home on Christ.  We've started our Ressurection Eggs, and this week we will be reading some special Holy Week readings through the Gospel of Matthew. 
Tonight also marks the start of Passover.  To honor this, we watched a video that taught what Passover is, highlighting that Jesus celebrated Passover, and how we can do our own Passover celebration and Seder meal.

I'm hoping to do our own Seder this year, but we'll see. 
Today we remembered the first Passover, and how the Israelites used the blood of the lamb painted over their doors to save them from the tenth and final plague.  By the blood they were saved.

It's easy to make the connection:  by Christ's blood we are saved. 
 He is the Lamb of God that has rescued us from death.
We will keep this over our door to remember, and to say our house will follow the LORD.

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