Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Storm 2013 :: Ice, Ice, Baby!

We are having a bit of winter spring storm here in SD.  Not your typical blizzard, just lots and lots of sleet...which in turn means lots and lots of ice.

If it's not moving (and I'm sure maybe if it is), it's covered in about an inch of ice.

Here is a photo of a tree in our backyard on Tuesday afternoon.  I called Matt at work and told him we had a large branch down.  No alarm though, the kids thought it was kind of exciting and it was only one branch.

Then another fell down, so I took a photo of the backyard.  I didn't want to go outside, but you can kind of see the branch on the right side of the photo.

Unfortunately, this is our tree on Wednesday morning.  It had 4 main branches, all of which have now fallen.
The tree that had only lost the smaller branch also had a similar fate, though maybe not quite as bad.
However it is near the neighbor's chain-link fence, which did not survive.
Our privacy fence had some damage also.  It's not obvious in the photo, but I wasn't brave enough to get closer.  As I was taking these photos on Wednesday morning I could hear shovels scraping, chainsaws roaring, sirens blaring, and tree branches crashing to the ground.  Under the tree was not the place to be!

This is our front tree earlier on Wednesday morning.  This one cased Matt the most grief on Tuesday night because of the menacing branch hanging over the house (much to Matt's dismay, I was actually singing "Another One Bites the Dust" while listening to all the branches breaking off and fall).    Thankfully, though much of the end of the branch fell off, the main branch stayed intact.

Here is the tree Wednesday afternoon. 
A few more branches fell down, and (after a trip to ACE Hardware) Matt was able to cut down much of the branch hanging over the house.  We are thinking we will probably lose this entire tree, as well as the two in the backyard (there was a third in the backyard that looks okay).

We thought it was such a good idea to be in an established neighborhood with beautiful mature trees.
Here's a quick shot down the street.  It actually looks pretty good now because the branches were cleared.  But you can see how low the trees are hanging.

And just in case you didn't get it...

 We got ice, baby.

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