Saturday, August 6, 2011

Black Hills::Quick Summary

I've decided that since it's now been one-month since our trip to the Black Hills, it may never actually fully make this many pictures, so little time. But, it does deserve a mention. The kids had a great time, and it's a trip I look forward to doing again, hopefully with Matt next time. We stayed in Spearfish, SD and during the long weekend we also went to Rapid City, Hill City, Mt. Rushmore, and Wall (to go to Wall Drug of course).

My highlights were just hanging out as a family in the lodge and traveling to Hill City to eat at the Alpine Inn (authentic German cuisine...yummm). The kids most enjoyed doing the slip-n-slide at the lodge and going to Old MacDonald's Farm...I love how we drove 6 hours to do things we could have done at home:)

As you can imagine, vacationing with 8 children nearly 5 and under can have its ups and downs, but it was fun-and hopefully we'll get to do it again!

grandkids with Nana & Papa

This is the best I could get at Mt. Rushmore (which Mayah called Money Mountain) ...sometimes it's better to just enjoy life and not photograph it:)

1 comment:

Eva said...

sounds like you had a good time