Monday, November 14, 2011

Tent TIme.

These were taken about a month ago-notice Nathan is wearing shorts and a t-shirt...wait he still wears that now, and I have to tell him to change so that we can actually go out some days. Nonetheless, we've had many beautiful fall days. In the empty lot next to use there are some weeds that are about 6 1/2 feet tall. In the spring and summer they were green, but once fall came they turned very stick like. All of the kids, especially Nathan, loved to "harvest" the sticks and make different things with them (one day we even painted them). Nathan had the idea that we should build a house.

Daddy stepped in and made it a little more doable, and together they made this:

Their own little teepee made from the sticks, an old blanket, and the rope that one of them made at the Ingalls Homestead.

Everyone loved playing in it-but it was a one-night wonder. The next morining we woke up to find all the sticks laying on the ground and the blanket in the neighbor's yard. Should've known it couldn't handle the SD wind!

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