Thursday, November 1, 2012


Our sweet little Adeline Marie is three years-old!
You are definitely one of a kind.  Filled with spunk and attitude- a my way or the highway kind of girl.  You are a challenge and a blessing.  The other day, after battling with mommy most of the day over obedience, you were singing "Trust and Obey" to Daddy when he got home from work.

 You are full of life, and find such joy in all the little things.  You love to laugh, and to make others laugh.  You are always affirming that you are "bigger" and can do whatever your big brother and sister get to do. 
You  love to snack-always coming to me with a string cheese, apple, or "omons" (almonds).  You are also more determined to satisfy your sweet tooth than anyone I know.  Today you were quiet in the other room for too long.  When I went to check on you, you had your blanket draped over head and your treat bucket in your lap.

 You are so expressive and very social.  You love to ask people "what's your name" when we are out...and yet, shirk back if anyone ever talks to you:)  My favorite word of yours is "chicken", which is kitchen. e.g. "The snack is in the chicken."  A word we're not as fond of is "goody-guss".  We're not sure what it means, but you use it frequently, usually when upset (it may be your 3-year-old version of swearing).

My favorite times are spent praying with you.  You like to pray nose to nose, one time you even said "Mommy, get close."
We love you Adeline Marie.  We can't wait to see what amazing things God has planned for your life!

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