Friday, May 27, 2011


I know I've mentioned Ella's quirkiness before...she's sort of our loose cannon, daily doing things that make you wonder what's going on in her sweet little head. This is one of the latest occurances.

One day, while Ella was going potty, I walked in to check on her, and she looked like this:

Shirt off, underwear over her head.

You know she was staring at the leg hole thinking, I bet my face is about that size:)

When I looked surprised and asked her what she was doing, I just got the look of "what mom, I'm going potty." It didn't occur to her that it may be odd.

Now she likes to do it from time to time for fun, like she's a super hero or something (Captain Underpants?)...but at least now she gets clean undies from the closet!

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