Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Love to Tell the Story:

As a parent, my favorite thing in the world is to see my children respond to the Gospel and initiate heart-felt conversations about any myriad of topics about their faith. Almost a year ago, Nathan prayed to have Jesus come "live in his heart", and since he was just 1 has loved hearing the Bible read to him. Now he can read the Bible on his own (versions written for children, not KJV or anything)-and the other day even decided to read out of the hymnal. I don't remember which hymn it was, but I do remember him reading "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." Soak up the Word, my son! We are so blessed, and I pray that Matt and I will both help foster his love and knowledge of the Word and apply it to his life (right now, he's really good at applying it to other people's lives, like "she (Ella) needs to love her neighbor as herself"...but I guess we all are:)

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