Wednesday, September 3, 2014


We are not a perfect family.
There are times when I feel I can't do anything right.  There are times when I think my children are so much naughtier than average children that I want to run outside and scream.  All the "why can't I be more  ______" or "why can't my kids be more _______" will plague my mind if I let them.  I (we) will never be good enough to satisfy whatever it is inside me that desires to be "good" (or at least to look the part).
But, isn't this what I'm trying to show my children; We will never be good enough.  We need a Savior.  We all fall short.  We can sit at the throne of perfection and fall on our faces in failure, or we can kneel at the thrown of Jesus and accept his loving, accepting, overflowing grace and fall on our faces in humble adoration and praise.
So, because I am so perfectly accepted through Christ in my imperfect state, how much should grace and acceptance flow from me to my imperfect children.  I am blessed to be given the calling of their mother and pray that I can perform this duty in a way that is worthy.
That being said, I intended this to just be a brief post with a photo of my kids being cute (and looking good of course).  I do thank you God for those moments in time when I can see you working in their hearts and bringing out each of their best. 
 Here big brother Nathan is reading to his little sisters while I make dinner, a huge blessing to me.  I also love that our dirty old couch is sitting on dirty old carpet with exposed subfloor...our house is also in a state of imperfection.
Love them.

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