Monday, September 8, 2014


We went to my oldest sister Brenda's farm a couple of weekends ago to celebrate my nephew's 3rd birthday.
We were last there in June, when they happen to be nursing newborn baby kitties.  Ella was upset then that we didn't come home with a kitty.  Well, they were all still there and accounted for, and Ella was just as smitten with the kitten!
Here is Ella with Fig.
(They all had bizarre names, given by my nephews)

Ella and I were walking the other night and she told me she had a secret.  I told her if she wanted to share it with me should could.  She proceeded to tell me that she was "created to live with an animal."  She apparently feels that Matt and I are holding her back!  For a long time she's been asking for a dog (but I think a cat would do).  I'm starting to be persuaded and think we should get something...Matt is definitely a harder sale though!

Here is Adeline (and Evelyn) with the same kitty. 
Anyone who knows Addie knows that this is a miracle.  Until late this summer she was terrified of all animals.  Even on a 4th of July trip to Wisconsin she spent the first three (or was it four) days screaming and crying because there were two dogs there.  Did I mention that these dogs were a spaniel and a bichon mix that probably weighed about 10 pounds soaking wet!?  It was ridiculous and stressful.  I'm so thankful that she is getting over that!
 (She does look a little frighted in this photo, because I think the cat moved in an unexpected way, but in general she was very good).
Here is Evs with a kitty, named Garden.
She too was nervous around all animals until a few weeks ago.  I'm thankful that the terrified of animals phase seems to be on its way out.

 This is my beautiful niece Katlyn with the third kitty, Snowflake. 

Katlyn and Ella love Snowflake.  They even brought him (her?) into the house and were singing it songs while rubbing its belly and laying it on a play bed.  The cat totally went for it and was sleeping and purring.
This last photo is my "after" shot of Katlyn.  She just wanted to play with the kitties, even if her eyes were swelling shut and completely blood shot.

This is also the reason I don't have any photos of Nathan with the cats.  Without even holding them his eyes were all red and itchy.  He doesn't have the inner struggle with wanting to hold the cats however...he really doesn't care about them at all.
Aaah, we still have a dream of someday owning a hobby farm.  The cats there would definitely be outside cats, except when Ella snuck (sneeked?) one inside.  Until then we'll enjoy our visits to my sisters!

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