Monday, October 27, 2014

A birthday bash:: Fall baby turns 5!

 It's a big day in this house:  Adeline Marie is five years-old!  
It seems we were just at St. John's Hospital with our beautiful blonde-haired 6 lbs 13 oz little bundle of joy.  We had no idea of the fire and personality bundled inside this precious little one! 

At the time, Matt was working a temp job after being laid off, I had just completed my last shift at Target, our house was on the market, and life seemed an uncertain place...even the maternity ward of the hospital was under construction!  But, oh how good our faithful Creator is!

Fast-forward five life-filled years:
 What an amazing little girl! 
Matt and I cannot wait to see what God has planned for her life. 
Adeline, you are passionate, expressive, and stubborn beyond words.  Though your screams can empty a room, your giggles and laughter can fill it up!  
More to come about Addie in a later post...for now let's talk p.a.r.t.y!

Ten days ago Addie made a paper chain to count down to her birthday.  She was so excited about her party!  The theme changed a little day to day, but she knew she wanted princesses, pumpkins, and most importantly, a purple cake.

 Adeline was so proud of this cake.  My normal routine for birthday cakes usually involves late nights, crying, a big Pinterest fail, Matt having to come fix the final details, and us going to bed at about 2:30 a.m.
This year however, the girls helped me bake the cake in the morning.  Then that evening we frosted it all one color, after all Addie wanted a purple cake. Addie put on a crown (also her idea) and together we sprinkled it.  The whole think was done before 8:15 p.m., and Addie loved that she got to help decorate it.  Matt was also very elated he didn't have to stay up late fixing the cake pleased!

Saturday morning Addie couldn't wait for the guest to arrive.  She started setting things up and asking when people would show up around 9:30...the party started at noon.  When someone finally arrived she ran out to greet them!  
(First to arrive was the Knutsons with Papa in tow).

I don't know why I didn't get a picture of the table this year.  Addie decide to forgo the normal choice of pizza for chicken nuggets and fries.  I also made pulled pork sandwiches for the adults. Side items included the usual of fruit, veggie tray, and chips and dip.

The great thing about having birthday parties at home (besides the money saving factor), is that you can be casual about time.  We took a good long while to eat and chat before moving on to gift opening.

Adeline really was super excited to open gifts, despite the look on her face in this photo.  (Perhaps it is the creepy balloon...)

This is what gift opening looks like with lots of cousins!

She received a few reader books, coloring books, and crayons.  The boys lost interest when they saw all the jewelry and purses!

Adeline had specially requested a hoe from my aunt Margie, since that is what she got Ella for her birthday.  However, it's Fall so Addie got a rake and a hand cultivator instead.  It works, Addie loves to rake...we say it's because she is a Fall baby.

The weather was so gorgeous.  I'm guessing this was the best weather Addie's ever had on her birthday.  It was sunny, calm and 75 degrees.  

Since Addie got two tools, she let Evelyn play with one.

Besides partying and raking, it was a great day for some football.  Nathan loves to play catch with the football (and his Dad).  He claims it is his favorite sport.

Evelyn likes to get in on the action too.  Though she mainly just loves her daddy.  She hangs on him like this all the time.  Do you notice that he doesn't even have to hold on to her?  Baby's got skills!

 After some play time outside it was finally time for some cake!

Happy Birthday Adeline Marie!

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