Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas in the City.

Our next Christmas celebration was with Matt's family.  The weekend before Christmas we were able to head to the Twin Cities to celebrate with the Kleins and Crowsons.  Because of every one's schedules we went a bit early.  We picked up Nathan one-hour early from school on Thursday, and he skipped his party day on Friday.  Because we were going to go see Grammy and cousin Logan, Nathan was okay with this-otherwise he likely would have been upset about missing the party.  He even said "I'm missing a fun day, but I'm having a fun day."

We got there in time to eat some Chinese leftovers, put on jammies, and watch a movie.
I think here I'm telling Evelyn not to touch the pretty little Swedish girls. 

They watched the VeggieTales' St. Nicholas.  It was good for snuggling.

Friday was our "Christmas".  As soon as Grammy arrived the girls were ready for some Christmas festivities.  All the children must have asked, "Is it time for presents?" 1000 times!

Instead of Christmas cookies, the kids and Grammy made cut-out Rice Krispie bars.  There were no sprinkles, so they decorated them with fruit snacks.

By the time I arrived on scene, I think the boys had lost interest.   Here's our niece Julia diligently placing the fruit snack in just the right spot...who knew.  Perhaps Rice Krispie treats and fruit snacks will be a new Christmas tradition.

And here is where the camera got hijacked...

I believe it was that sweet little niece Julia.  She took the above photo of Grammy and about 25 others.
I'm guessing her and Ella were doing a little photo shoot.  I'll give you a couple, but spare you from the entire session!

Alright, back to treats!  When Adeline and Evelyn heard there were Rice Krispie treats and fruit snacks they knew they had to be involved.

Adult supervision was required.  These two have zero self-control when it comes to sweets.  Thankfully Grandpa Joe was there.

The plan was to eat Christmas dinner at 1:00 p.m., then clean-up, then open presents. We were very clear about this, however, the present-opening question didn't cease.   So, when you tire of waiting you play Hungry Hungry Hippos.


Finally, time to get dolled-up so Christmas feasting can commence!

Here's all the cousins:
Adeline (5), Ella (6), Julia (6), Nathan (8), Logan (8), and Evelyn (2)

I noticed the above photo is the first I have of Nathan and Logan.  There were doing a lot of Nerf fighting and Lego building.  They are generally too quick for my photographic skills.  I also love Nathan's face.  He wasn't mad, he just loves to ruin photos.  I'm hoping this is an obnoxious 8-year-old phase and not a way of life.  (Though note Logan's sweet face.  When Addie was the baby he loved her, now he's in love with Evelyn.)

The girls (minus Evs).

The boys.  

Notice how they got dressed up for Christmas?  They are both lovers of sweat pants. I told Nathan to put on his great sweater for the photo...he put on his grey hooded sweatshirt.  Matt told me it wasn't a big deal and he could wear whatever, so we went with it.
 If little girls have a dress on, they must twirl.  

It too was too fast for my photographic skills.

And at last, time for presents!

Evs is such a gamer...she loves the boys and the attention they give her, even if it involves Nerf darts on your face.

During kitchen clean-up time we told the boys to occupy themselves by making up a Nativity scene using Legos.  This is what they came up with.  It honestly started a little more innocent, and then weaponry got involved.  Good thing the angels brought good tiding of great joy and peace good will toward men.

Logan then read the Christmas story.  This one is from his children's Bible.

Addie is obviously amazed...

As always, everyone received too much.  Matt got several new shirts, the kids got games and books (and a book light...woot!), and toys.  I got a couple of scarves, one of which I affectionately call my blarf (it's a blanket, it's a scarf, it's a blarf...I may have to dedicate a post to this amazing accessory).

The next day was spent playing with gifts and a trip to downtown Minneapolis.

Evelyn was so excited to get to color with markers, something she has been banned from back home.

Downtown we went to SantaLand on the 8th floor of Macy's.  They no longer change it every year, so it was the same as last year.  But, there's enough details that it's still interesting for the kids.

See how much fun they're having!?

It really is a fun tradition.  We went just the six of last year.  It's also a tour that should conclude with a giant cookie.
Here Matt is telling his mom to not get them each their own cookie because it's too much (too much sweet, too much $).

Perusing the options...which come in large or extra-large!

The only thing I don't get about it, is that there's no area to actually eat your cookie.  So, you hope there's a bench open.  Here are the kids enjoying their treats.  As you can see they each got their own. :)

We then ate a quick lunch while waiting for the Hollidazzle village downtown to open.

The Hollidazzle village was a couple of blocks and replaced the Hollidazzle parade.
Here we got there for the end of a performance of the Velveteen Rabbit.

Then we check out Santa's reindeer.

They also had an area for ice skating.  The kids all enjoyed it, though it wasn't real ice and apparently much more difficult to skate on.

From here it was the road for us.  We drove back Saturday night to make it back for church on Sunday.

We're so thankful for our Twin Cities family!  It was a quick, but blessed weekend.

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