Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Nemo Party!

 With Evelyn's 3rd birthday, came Evelyn's 3rd birthday party!

This was the first year she got to choose a theme.  She was consistent about having a "Mickey Mouse/ Elmo" party for the longest time, but the week of the party changed it to "Word World".  I was excited about having a party with lots of letters and word building.  However, girly changed her mind one more time and decided to have a Nemo party.  (This may be why she's becoming a little sassy...since the completion of her birthday she has definitely not been aloud to make so many stinkin' decisions!)

I'm pretty sure Evelyn has never seen Nemo.  The girl however does loves orange!


We looked for some Finding Nemo decor, but apparently that doesn't exist since the movie came out circa 2003.  (We literally could not "find" Nemo.)
My printer was also on the fritz, but we did manage to print out a Nemo which Ella colored.  Other than that it was simple fixings with a theme of orange and blue.

As you can see we did throw out some goldfish crackers and Swedish fish just for the occasion.
Ella had the idea to decorate the clementines to look like Nemo with 3's on them.  A girl after my own heart.

Pinterest is full of amazing cakes that I can't replicate.  However, this Nemo cake I could do.

(unless you think it looks more like a tennis ball...)

We again were blessed with a beautiful day for a birthday party.  Papa, the nearby cousins, aunties and uncles came over to celebrate with us.  Given the beautiful weather we skipped the pizza and opted for burgers and hot dogs instead.

The chandelier looks like a jellyfish right?!

Following lunch the kid played outside for a long while.  I regret not taking photos, but they played so well without much supervision it was amazing!  They did go through a gazillion bubbles, but it was well worth it and it even fit our underwater theme.  
Ella hid Nemo so we could play a game called "Finding Nemo", but everyone had so much fun that we forgot about it.  It's been almost two weeks, and we still haven't found (or even looked for) Nemo. Oops!

We were able to convince the kids to come in for gifts!

Evelyn got some great gifts including clothes, coloring books, and a suit case.

 After gifts, you should have a tissue paper party!

Then cake time!
Still can't believe this precious little bean is three years old!  

Ready to blow out the candle!

Following cake the party cleared out and we got a chance to relax clean up the disaster area.

We are so thankful beyond words for our little Evelyn Jane Lucille.  She is a blessing to our family, and she makes this world a better place.  The more I'm a parent, the more I realize how much it is totally worth any little sacrifice on my part.  

Happy Birthday Evs, we love you!

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