Monday, May 11, 2015

The Avera Race:: Honoring Mom and Running 5Ks!

For the past I-don't-even-know years our family has participated in the Avera Race Against Breast Cancer.  For non-locals, it's the largest fund raising event in South Dakota.  There are four events: 1.5 mile Family walk, 3 mile walk, 5K and 10K.
We obviously became involved because of my mom.  It became an annual tradition to walk the 3 mile walk with her and some of her sisters.  For her 10 year anniversary of being in remission Amy and I ran the 10K.   Then she was diagnosed again and unable to walk.  I remember our very last Avera Race with her she waited inside the fitness center with baby Evelyn (who was about 3 weeks old).
Since she has passed, the Avera race has taken on a new meaning for me.  So much of the publicity of this event is about strength and celebrating survivors.  Trust me, I'm elated when anyone survives this or any form of cancer.  Yet, I admit there is a little sting.  What about those who don't survive?  Should we forget those who lost the fight for the sake of remaining positive and battling on?

Definitely not.

My mom hated the word victim.  Cancer didn't define who she was.  She embraced being a survivor and encouraged others who were affected by the dreaded "c word".  So, though my mom eventually lost the fight with this wretched disease, she is not defined by her death but the way that she chose to live. 
This year's theme for the Avera Race was Celebrate Heroes.  So, that is what we did.  We raced (or walked) in honor of mom and in celebration of the life she lived.  She showed by example how to persevere and handle the difficult cards life deals you with toughness and grace.

Because this is a family event, the children have gotten involved.  They used to participate in the family walk which is 1.5 miles.  Now that Nathan and Ella are older they are interested in the 5k.

Here they are pre-race.

They are supposed to be holding a 5 to show they're running the 5K.  Unfortunately Nathan didn't feel like being photo-cooperative this morning.  Though who am I kidding, when is he ever?

I'm convinced that some day he'll look back at these and feel badly.

This was Nathan's second year running the 5K.  Last year he ran with Matt and surprised us all by running it in about 34 minutes (before the race he had only ran a mile at time).  This year with very little training he ran it in 28:35!  Matt ran with him again (with NO training or stretching) and found himself to be a little sore the next day!
I ran with Ella.  Since this was her first time, our goal was to not walk.  She did amazing!  She was so positive the entire time.  She made her goal of not walking and finished with a time of 37: 45!

Adeline and Evelyn walked with my dad in the 1.5 Family Fun walk.  Addie's goal  was to walk the entire thing, which she did with no problems!

This photo also shows how chilly it was.  The race started at 8:00 a.m.  When we showed up at 7:30 it was  35 degrees!

Evelyn was not feeling very well.   Fortunately she had the stroller, which she quietly rode in.

Here's my Dad with his girls following the race.
 Lynette, Brenda, Amy, Dad, & me

Here is most of the family that participated.  
(Some bailed early because of the cold.)

 Finally here's the Thompson crew.

Evelyn was pretty tired at this point since she was sick.  My dad is just trying to get a photo of Evelyn's face, which resulted in a big photo bomb.  I'm not sure what my niece Mayah is doing...

I was so proud of everyone.  
It was great to see Nathan and Ella's positive attitudes even when they were tired, and to hear them talk about Nana.   
I would say I hope this continues to be a treasured family tradition, but I would prefer that breast cancer be eradicated and this event become completely unnecessary!  Until then, we'll continue to race and celebrate Mom.

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